Thursday, April 2, 2015

It's Not What Happens To You

Zig Ziglar

Apr 2, 2015

In 1985, one of the true symbols of success was a new, four-door Cadillac sedan. His success enabled Jim Winner Jr., to beam with pride at his new Cadillac with all the "extras" -- deluxe leather interior, state-of-the-art sound system and the top-of-the-line anti-theft system. He felt secure that this car would be with him for years. However, one evening, much to his chagrin and horror, he discovered his new car had been stolen. Later, he recalled that while serving in the Army, he prevented fellow GIs from driving off in his Jeep by winding a thick, metal chain through his steering wheel to the brake. This thought, combined with a degree of anger and frustration, served as the inspiration for a rod of hard steel painted bright red. Today, we see it advertised in magazines, newspapers, on television and radio. They call it "The Club," and it has turned the car theft into a wonderful success story. It is still true that it's not what happens to you but how you handle what happens to you that makes the difference.

Mamie McCullough, a friend, fellow speaker and author, worked with us for several years and became known as "The I CAN Lady" for introducing the "I CAN" course to the public schools. One of her favorite expressions is "Things that happen in your life can either make you better or make you bitter. You can either let your past beat you or teach you." Mamie likes to tell people that every time they look at their thumb they should remember, "You are thumb-body." She also says, "It's not where you start, it's where you go that counts." She's given many of us something to smile about.


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